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Durban 2011 - Start of the Leaving it in the Ground Coalition (LINGO)

The UNFCCC is approaching its 17th Conference of the Parties, in the attempt to find a global solution to climate change. But the negotiations are stalled in the key questions and CO2 emissions continue to rise (around 40% since its 1st meeting). The proposed responses to the climate crisis (such as offsetting, CDM and carbon markets) are inadequate, unambitious, and in some cases counterproductive. Pledges to reduce emissions are voluntary and focused purely on the demand-side. In the absence of a global cap on emissions - which seems decades away - demand-side mitigation isn't a guaranteed successful strategy. The reality of mitigation is that to stay within the proposed 1.5°C or 2°C temperature rise, the taps must be turned off, and the better part of known reserves of fossil fuels must remain untouched in the ground. But at the United Nations climate talks, supply-side mitigation is currently not on the agenda. While the UN and governments stall, corporations invest heavily into expanding the fossil frontier into ever more sensitive environments through deep sea drilling and exploitation of shale gas and tar sands, locking us into a path of high emissions and a toxic future. To build a climate friendly world requires alternative plans to live a good life (known in Latin America as "buen vivir") powered fully by renewable energy. These plans will help us to effectively challenge the need for fossil fuels in our societies. Let's use the opportunity of meeting in Durban to unify the struggles against the growth of the fossil economy with the solutions for a society that respects the Rights of Mother Earth. This group demands and proposes to work towards: A) a stop to all expansions of the fossil frontier B) putting supply-side mitigation on the UN agenda and C) developing zero fossil fuel plans for all countries, regions and cities We invite all to work together on this. Please enter your organization's or personal details below, if you would like to be involved:

LINGO - Leaving it IN the Ground cOalition

I would like to be informed about activities that relate to leaving fossil fuels in the ground as a response to the climate crisis.
* Required
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFdUblMxdEJ5bHA5Tzc3X2dGLU5Xa1E6MQ We will meet on Tuesday, November 29th 2011, 7:00-8:30 pm at TB Davis L6, UKZN Howard College, Durban, to touch base and plan strategic next steps. Please reply to confirm your assistance. You can also come spontaneously but we want to get an idea of who will be there. We would like to share all events related to this agenda that happen during the two weeks of the climate summit in this LINGO Event Calendar Please use this form to add your events to the calendar:

Add an event

Please enter any event that has a connection to the goals of leaving fossil fuels in the ground and living a life without them.
* Required
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEtFc0dPc0t5dGlIUUQ4dVpQdjFpOHc6MA#gid=0 We are looking forward to seeing you in Durban! 350.org Ben Brangwyn (Transition Network, UK) Generation Zero (New Zealand) Gunter Pauli (Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives) Ivonne Yánez (Oilwatch, Ecuador) Kim Bryan (Centre for Alternative Technologies, UK) Kjell Kühne and Stephen Murphy (initiators, Mexico and South Africa) Patrick Bond (Centre for Civil Society, UKZN, Durban, South Africa) Rehana Dada (South Africa) Thomas Youngman (UK Youth Climate Coalition Delegate to COP17) P.S.: The attached picture beautifully illustrates the point. "Soil" is used because it rhymes, but it is obviously not where the oil is.